Top tips for getting to sleep

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23 Jun
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 min read

aving a set bed time along with a routine to wind down is the best way to get your brain into the correct gear for sleeping.

My top tip

Never try to sleep

Rest, relax and think of things which contain motion, sounds and smells and let your imagination take you away. It does not matter if you do not sleep - this is very important to understand.

I've laid in bed before for 2 hours when I was working very late on a project and knew I wouldn't sleep. I just rested my eyes and knew that everything was going to be fine. When I got up I felt as though I had slept even though I had not. The process of resting with a quiet mind will rejuvenate you to some extent.

Trying to sleep and getting frustrated that you aren't falling asleep will drain you of energy and make you tired and likely grumpy.

Things to consider

No phones or screens at least one hour before bed

Make sure your blue light filter (night mode) is on in the evenings.

Leave your phone downstairs

No phones in the bedroom. I cannot explain how important this is - you will reset your nervous system by doing this. Mobile phones have slowly hi-jacked our dopamine system and are a huge disrupter of sleep.

Write out your todo list the night before

If you really have a lot on your mind, keep a paper and pen next to your bed and jot things down as they arise so that you can let them go and allow your mind to relax knowing you have captured that important idea.

Stretching or movement

Stretching before bed (or some form of physical exercise that's not to stimulating. I have a friend who plays football on an evening and it takes him hours to calm down his nervous system so try to avoid things that are too exciting.

Don't eat sugar at least a couple hours before bed - up to 4 hours before really. Ideally you should be going to be slightly hungry so that you're body is in a fasting state. This can take some getting used to if you've never done it before but the trick is distinguishing between hunger and low energy. Hungry is fine and actually healthy and you can train your brain to associate it with health and vitality.

Other considerations

Only use your room for sleeping, if you can, work in a different room and reserve your bedroom for sleeping.

Make the room symmetrical and have everything tidy and orderly or minimal with practically nothing on your bedside table except a small alarm clock.

Thick carpets and curtains will dampen the acoustics making a nicer environment for sleeping.

Black out blinds or curtains will prevent any light from entering the room making it darker and more conducive for sleeping.

Reset your circadian rhythm

Use a daylight simulation light in the morning when you first wake up.

This will stimulate the concentration of serotonin by inhibiting it's conversion into melatonin which is a hormone that makes you feel tired. fixed daylight simulation light is perfect for this.

In the evenings avoid blue light, choose warmer red light where possible or have the room darker.

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Originally Posted
20 Jun
Last Updated 
15 Jul
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